Mayfair's Healthy, Happy Seniors
Mayfair Puppies Become Healthy Adults
No need to worry that your Cavalier will develop heart conditions or other health problems associated with the breed. Mayfair makes sure breeds only healthy parents so that your puppy, and you will enjoy many years of worry-free love and friendship.
We recommend you chose a reputable breeder, and do your homework before buying a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Here are some examples of our successes:
We lost our beloved Clare at a very advanced age of nearly 16 years. Her great granddaughter Sara stayed by side in her final days, and it was amazing how loving this little puppy was to old Clare. Cavaliers are like that!
For more about Clare, visit Chuck's blog.
Memory of Marlee 1996-2012

At six weeks when she started to woo woo, we knew she would never leave
us. Tragically, she did, yesterday. Marlee was the last of the "originals"
born at our Via Corona home. She turned 15 ½ on Monday, May 7th and
was still heart clear. Because of that, we thought we had it made - she
would live forever - well, we were wrong. She succumbed to a brain tumor;
the seizures started Tuesday evening and continued relentlessly until we
had to stop them for her sake.
She was incredible with a loving nature that was always there. She was a
devoted mom to all and for that we have some of her incredible children.
She was a great great great grandmother and those babies just left for their
new homes. She was our foundation tri and as we look around, she surrounds
We wanted to let you know what happened. She loved us all and to be honest,
we still cannot believe it. We look for her and alas, she is not there.
Her voice will echo forever in our wonderful memories.
She leaves a gaping hole in our lives and hearts.
With utter sadness,
Chuck and Robbie