"Our focus is to raise intelligent, adaptable, and well socialized puppies."
Chuck & Robbie Slemaker, Thousand Oaks, California

Great Results
As of October, 2008, we have kept three Dolly daugthers, four Dolly granddaughters, and two Dolly grandsons. They range in age from several months to over 15 years, and ALL have healthy hearts. We now breed to younger males, but only when we know the health of the line.
A Mayfair Puppy's First 12 Weeks
Mayfair puppies are whelped in our home. They remain snug in their whelping box for 2 1/2- 3 weeks.

10 Days Old |
3-4 Weeks
As their eyes and ears open, we bring the puppies to a pen in our living area. This helps them adapt to normal household sounds, such as a vacuum, TV, phones, the doorbell, clanging pots and pans, etc. This is the environment our puppies live in until they go to their new homes at 12 weeks. We change the pen arrangement often to get them used to change, and to develop their intelligence to full genetic potential. They also learn to adapt to your home when they leave ours.
At 4 weeks, Mayfair puppies go outside, first to the lawn on a blanket, and a few days later, their pen is placed by the door so they can run outside by themselves.
Four Weeks |
5-6 Weeks
Mayfair puppies have been on sheepskin, newspaper, hardwood floors, tile, carpet, cushions, concrete, gravel, grass, and dirt.
The puppies take a a ride in the car every few days. One lucky puppy gets to go along on each errand, which familiarizes them with all kinds of people: people with hats, beards, moustaches, and eyeglasses.
Mayfair puppies are doggie-door trained often by 6 1/2 weeks!

Five Weeks |
Six Weeks |
10-12 Weeks
Mayfair puppies go home with their new parents at 12 weeks. They are provided a folder of puppy shot records, instructions for future vetrinary visits, grooming tips, and puppy pictures for your personal Puppy Book. They are registered Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club (ckcsc.org) , USA and American Kennel Club.